im trying to calm down..
im trying...
i will try to speak in a peaceful way ya...
gonna explain some same thing for the past 5 years ya...
yea...same old thing...
i was jz wondering...
do you gals like to combine and relate every stuff and make your own assumption and conclusion??
i find myself pathetic...
for loving som1 for d past 5 years.....
n den juz puff.....
1 action can erase all my love to her....
and left accusation and anger...
actually i know dis will happen when i post wat i said..
but i juz din know tat i really does happen...
yea...shes still d same....
i hav no idea y i wana explain dis cos im very sure after everything i said...it will somhow turn into some other version where u will b very zha dou...speechless..
but still...
his name is eric lai...
they used to call him a happy go lucky guy....
he seldom dulan ppl....
well...used to lar..
not sure now...
cos his limit is bit higher to reach dulanness...
n he juz too sui bian....
n he juz too sui bian....
but den..
how come he start to have high temper on her....
n start to dulan easily???
well....it explains well on her blog.....
cant i hav a past b4 i hav my ex?
cant i put away my past n start loving my ex during our time??
cant i have frens???just fren de frens??
i don mind he got bf....bcos y i shud mine???she's juz my fren....
will i mind when kim got bryan???or xh got fs??or cy got jun wei???
say until i macam so desperate...
ppl got bf i also wana go steal???
i even imagine tat im shaking hand wit her bf...n said to him....
JS...finally we met...i heard much about you...
juz tat...
wont you be nervous if you hav a fren n 8 years never talk???
isn't tat juz normal??
or im juz a abnormal dude??
and ohh...OMGG..
y everytime some uncle n aunty wan give me so big prob...
give me so much pressure??
im freaking stress..
and tat uncle...
yes....sorry for disrespect.....i juz feel like beat d hell out of you no matter who d fuck you areee!!!!
1 year ago an aunty keep on giving me pressure n stress til tat time i really panic n fear everytime i heard my msg tone...
yea...u all shud know....i was damn sked....
not going 2 mention wat was all about cos i really swallow everything down d...
n now...uncle....wats d prob wit u??
sorry i really juz feel like posting n share...
to you all so u know how DEVIL I AM!!!>.woohoo..
得不到的东西才珍贵的,别人老婆才是好的,他小孩子,无脑,他不明那8年的女孩和她男友合得来,未必和他合得来,也未必找到这么爱他的女孩,风水轮流转 啊,他欠你的要还啊,他一定要找到另一个女友或婚后才会明白所有,才会知道自己失去什么,我不是说别的女孩就不好,人有因果,我是过来人,一直以为自己全 对的叔叔,原来自己也没什么了不起的叔叔,你的苦过去了,不要再哭了,分手383天了,洗掉blog的爱心等待电话,好的来了,不舒服的话就不要跟他做朋 友吧,好吗?笑笑XD
i like ppl's gf/wife..
im a kid....i no brain...
i will hav KARMA!!!!
i owe her.....
n stg i wana askkk......
do you know...
there are some guys...
kena dumped by his gf....
juz moved on....don give a damn bout his ex anymore n get a new gf new life??
who really cares bout who owe who???
n still....is there really a "owe" word in the love dictionary??
i have no idea at all....seriously...
(n yea...5th of march 2011 is not ur single anni lar..is d day u dump me lar.....
ur single anni where got so fast reach????@_@...)
n still this sohai here...
still keep on giving her wat he can give.....
not bcos of wana repay back anyting or wat..
but juz tat he still cares....
but juz tat he really felt pathetic...for himself...
he juz don und y after 5 long years....
he can und so much but her...
really can know wat is she thinking about...
know wat shes gonna say when she open her mouth..
but she don really know bout him...
don really und wat he wats..
don really know wat is he thinking about..
he really felt pathetic...
he felt pain everytime they went out.....
hearing her talking bout other guys..
talkin bout her future bf...
summore she bring her ex to buy a wallet for her future bf bcos the guy's wallet almost koyak....n when he's still using the wallet she bought when he's wallet was koyak few years ago..
yea...think of that pls...
n all he can do is act cool n swallow it.....
bcos he knows she really don und anything bout guys..
bout him...
he don wana find a gf so soon.....
cos he don wana her 2 feel wats he's feeling right now.....
and every nite listening d same 2 songs b4 going 2 slep...(sorry hsemate if it annoyed u)....
and also juz tat for d past 5 years he's been there for her to do those guys things..
n now he is not needed anymore....
n he don wana comment in her life anymore cos he don wana stand between them again....
all he wants is her 2 be happy....
yes...so pls go find your happiness....
don b sad n alone anymore...
som1 out there sure can give you wat u want....
yes...so pls go find your happiness....
don b sad n alone anymore...
som1 out there sure can give you wat u want....
n now...
she still so wei qu of having this fren.......thinking shud fren wit this fren anot....
i really felt pathetic for this poor sohai me larr....
She's single..
nop...shud be it's complicated...
and not available....
that guy is there for her....
n dis guy never say anything bout it at all.....
n juz wan her to b happy...
and yet...
he's single....
he has no1 left but frens..
frens which are leaving apart from each other....
n juz wana go n send a fren's flight...
not much diff than sending drian..mund....or jiar li.....
but still so many things can happen...
3 letters and 1 word....
-The End-
Good nite.....working life sucksss!!!
PS: Just curious ...ppl who really read til here......does can you pls think back wat did u said juz now = you no brain 1 arr???
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